Beatitude 7: The Peacemaker

Odehi Okuofo
3 min readAug 4, 2021


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God — Matthew 5:9

Who is a peacemaker?

A peacemaker is one who sorts to make peace when there is trouble or chaos. A peacemaker is also a peacekeeper but a peacekeeper may not be a peacemaker. You can keep the peace without making peace — and that doesn’t really solve the problem.

When you see people fighting and you step in to stop the fight just to maintain order without really paying attention to the cause of the fight in the first place — then you’re a peacekeeper. In modern society, security agents or law enforcement officers are examples of peacekeepers — though they stop many fights from escalating they seldomly solve the problem that caused the fight in the first place. And most times when the peacekeepers leave the community they’re assigned to keep the peace, the problem may escalate more than it was prior to their arrival.

Only those who are merciful and pure in heart are rightly equipped to make peace. “Nemo dat quod non-habet” meaning no one gives what they don’t have is a legal rule. Remember the pure in heart are those who see God — and to see God is to have the peace of God as Jesus gave to His disciples as written in John 14:27;

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Peacemakers don’t only keep the peace but make peace by finding a sustainable solution to maintain peace even after they’re gone.

I listened to a missionary who lived among a cannibal tribe in New Guinea in the 1950s, he discovered the tribe were in constant conflict with other neighbouring tribes, he had to negotiate for peace which was a very difficult task to do because it was an aged long conflict. The tribe finally agreed to settle with the exchange of a child from each side called the “peace child.” So as long as each had the other tribe’s child in their midst there was no conflict.

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” Romans 12:18

A peacemaker must be patient to see the process go through because sometimes one or both parties may be stiff-necked. If you’re not patient you wouldn’t listen to others narrate their problems which don’t really affect you.

I have seen someone who went to settle a quarrel, join into the quarrel because one of the parties offended him in the process. That is why you have to be meek to be capable of making peace so you can abide by the scriptures.

“So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” Romans 14:19

The peacemaker goes into conflict and settles it. Many people are peacekeepers (not peacemakers) they focus on maintaining order instead of making peace by resolving the conflict.

“Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

In addition, there is a reward for those who sow in peace as written by James;

“Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness” James 3:18

Importantly, those who are peacemakers are those who are prepared to be persecuted because of their righteousness in Christ.

What does it mean to be persecuted? Find out in the next post here



Odehi Okuofo

Christ-follower | Growth Strategist| Co-founder Bible2Business